
Rebuilding habits.

Here I am, doing my blog…three days in a row now!!

So what!!

Well, I blogged every single day for 6+ years and then lost the habit.

I’m trying to start it again. Habits are like driving your car. All the effort and fuel is used getting the car from a standstill to a steady speed. Once you reach a steady speed, especially on the open road, then the momentum carries the car along without the need for too much more fuel and energy.

It’s the same with any habit, getting started and building momentum is the hard part.

It’s doubly hard when you stop something after so long to get that started again.

You feel like you have been there and done it.

There is something for me to learn here. Try, if possible, to not stop a good thing once you have it going.

Of course, there are times when we need a break from our routines, some time to freshen up and come back with more energy. That’s what I needed.

However, the longer we leave something, the harder it is to restart. As the amount thinking time increases so does the level of inertia.

Let’s see how it goes…3 days is a start. So I am happy.

What the ‘F’ to write about today?

What to blog about today?

Well, I could do another poem, although I do not feel that at the moment, so what else to write about? I’ve got to think! Think! Think! I’m stuck. I can’t write.

Well, we always think that we struggle to write something, yet we never struggle with something to say, therefore, we can just speak and write that down. There is no such thing as writer’s block unless we want to believe there is.

Write in plain speaking, and do not overcomplicate, that is why we get writer’s block because we are focussed on an outcome and not focussed on just putting the first word down and then the next and next and so on. It may not be brilliant and win The Booker Prize, but who cares? The more we just write the better we will become, but there is always something to say, as we speak often without thinking, so we just speak. Well, we can just write and write and write, we can always go back and edit it, and we can always get even better next time. However, it is the starting that is the obstacle that thought creates.

The blockage to everything is because we enter the psychological time-bound dimension of the future and we think about the outcome, which is always in the future and not now, so we can not deal with it, we just think about it and create a psychological fear about the outcome…always negative thought and self-criticism. Instead, we can just start writing on the paper, and if you prefer, we can just type on a keyboard.

Writing on paper is better as it is physically creating something and involves a human touch which is nourishing for the soul and that actually helps us write better. We are more mindful and conscious when we are not in the digital dimension.

OK…let’s edit, and publish!