Be content and create

The more we seem to consume, accumulate and have, the more unhappy we become.

Jesus wisely said something like this…for those who believe they have it all, more will come and for those who believe they don’t, more will be taken away.

Essentially, the more we seek to fulfil our lack with consumption of things, content, stuff etc the more dissatisfied we become. In fact, for many, it has gone way beyond dissatisfaction, it is depression, mental illness and addiction,

For those who are grateful for all they have and live a life of abundance only consuming what they really, really need and starting from a position of joy, gratitude and satisfaction, attract more of the same through their accepting positive outlook.

When we are in a mindset of creating and not consuming we gain a soulful connection with our true essence. We are creators all of us. We reach consciousness, joy and fulfilment. We live instead of existing in an unconscious mind-state of obsessive discontent created by our perceived lack.

Be content and create.


Our ‘normal’ state as humans is a mind-filled unconscious state where we are not aware of the moment and are consumed by thoughts of the past and future, which is where the thinking mind spends all its time. We are stuck in the box of content that is the time-bound mind-created thing we see as our life.

We are concentrated on what is next or what has occurred and not consciously in the moment of what is actually happening now. It is not a state of observation, reflection, calm, joy or peace. It is a state of constant turmoil and suffering. We are in a fear-based operating system that affects our mental and physical state. We are on edge, anxious and in a constant adrenalin-fuelled condition of flight, fight or freeze.

If we change our state and observe our thoughts instead of energising and becoming them, we move from flight, fight, and freeze to calm and inner peace. We move into a conscious state of being rather than an unconscious state of thinking. We close the lid of the box of content.

Our true self is not our mind, it is the observer and when we become the observer then our true essence, which is us and is always there, has space to be. We create space for soulful creation to take place instead of no space other than constant thought.

When we become the observer, we are connected with our heart and soul, with our creative essence and love which enables us to be ourselves. When we are the thinker then we become connected to fear.