Why is the obstacle the path?

Why is the obstacle the path?

Whatever we fear the most in life is what we should be doing. It is our guide to what the moment wants us to do.

We never fear anything that we do not care about.

We are all part of the one life, the universe and we are a multiple part of that universal consciousness. If the path was easy there would be no experience to be gained. The universe wants to experience itself in as many forms as possible, in fact, it is limitless.

Therefore, beyond our primary purpose to just be and to simply be a being, our secondary purpose is to take our unique gift and give it to the world. That will mean overcoming obstacles and the bigger the obstacle the more likely our purpose is beyond that and we are on the right path to fulfilling that purpose.

Of course, as all forms are temporary, our secondary purpose will change constantly and new obstacles will block the path. Our primary purpose to just be is permanent like this now moment.

So whatever obstacle you are hiding from, fearing, avoiding, running away from…turn round and tackle it. It is a courageous person who chooses to challenge their biggest obstacles and it will, like all things, take one step at a time.

Without obstacles in our path there is no purpose.

We have to take that first step now.

Right now

Life goes by in a blink.

We think it’s too late…it’s all lost.

It’s never too late.

The moment is always now.

We can only ever experience anything now.

Everything that was ever experienced by anyone ever was always now and it always happened because that person took the first step now.

Whatever thing you think about whether inventing fire, the wheel, going to space, curing a disease, making amazing art, writing a book, creating a song…it all was done in the now and it all started with one tiny step by a person who was willing to take a risk, step up and be counted.

We can all start the next experience, it’s never too late, but we can only do it now, not tomorrow.

Whatever you can dream or feel in your soul, you can take the first step towards that right now.