January the 1st won’t save us

Welcome 2024!!

A new start? A day to resurrect of lives and take action?

Interesting how we almost wait for the date to change in order to spur ourselves into action.

Often though, we go from not doing the things we feel we should to a state of frenzied activity only for that to fade away very quickly. The tsunami of new tasks we take on just because it is a new year exhausts us within a few weeks.

Change can only ever take place now, in this moment, so the date on the calendar is irrelevant.

Also, effective changes are only successful one small step at a time. Once we get to trying to take giant leaps, we fail, because the mind, and all its future projections brings psychological fear which paralyses us into inaction.

If allow ourselves to be present and away from the mind, then we won’t have these ups and downs in action bought about by a change of date.

January the 1st isn’t our saviour…now is.

Right now

Life goes by in a blink.

We think it’s too late…it’s all lost.

It’s never too late.

The moment is always now.

We can only ever experience anything now.

Everything that was ever experienced by anyone ever was always now and it always happened because that person took the first step now.

Whatever thing you think about whether inventing fire, the wheel, going to space, curing a disease, making amazing art, writing a book, creating a song…it all was done in the now and it all started with one tiny step by a person who was willing to take a risk, step up and be counted.

We can all start the next experience, it’s never too late, but we can only do it now, not tomorrow.

Whatever you can dream or feel in your soul, you can take the first step towards that right now.