It happened

Whatever happens, happens.

The moment we realise that something has occurred, it already has, it’s in the past.

Therefore, we can not change it.

However, a great deal of energy is often spent on not liking what has happened, and deny it or even wanting a different outcome to occur.

Once we reach a point of accepting everything as it is, then we can take all the emotions and mind activity out of trying to change or deny it. This then allows us to take action, if needed, from a place of calm and acceptance within.

Our mind, which is an amazing tool, is then free for us to use to look at solutions now.

The other thing is to not them go into future projections as to what may occur as a result of a happening. Just stay present, and the mind will be silent. We have no way of knowing what might occur as a result of something, so again best to not think about it and remain at peace within.

The essence of all things is to use the mind as a tool and not allow the mind to control us with its thoughts of past and future.

War of the worlds

‘The War of The Worlds’ radio broadcast came from a studio in New York on 31st October 1938 and caused widespread panic as people really believed that the end of the world was occurring. It wasn’t and didn’t.

Fast forward to now and a similar global narrative is being played out and it seems many are fear-stricken by a virus and believe all kinds of things are or will happen including their own demise, which…breaking news!! is going to happen, yes even to you and me.

The fear is not real present moment fear such as caused by a lion running towards us that’s not been fed for a while, as that rarely occurs to anyone over a course of a lifetime. Unless you live in the wilds or a war zone or some other very dangerous place, which for the majority of us is not the case.

What is occurring for many is the worst kind of fear, as it is of our mind and of the collective mind…we create it. It can not be dealt with now as it is created by a projection into the future, which of course doesn’t exist. This fear is psychological fear, the same as for those who listened to the radio broadcast. Nothing was happening but their mind was tricked to believe it was or was about to and that created a reaction…panic.

The ‘wars’ now are not ones of real present moment danger as in someone shooting at you, it is the wars of psychological fear, of the mind, that is the new weapon and it is the most effective weapon humans have ever had. People will do anything to try and escape their fear…they become dependent, often on the very people who are creating the fear, as they offer to take it away.

If you plug into the mainstream media or the social media networks it is completely dominated by psychological fear and the drama that goes with it. People are living out in their minds all kinds of dramas and victimhood and whatever, that hasn’t happened anywhere other than in their mind or the collective one.

If you switch off from the matrix of fear, then there is nothing to fear and you can enjoy this moment.

To be honest, for the vast majority of our lives most moments are ordinary, where on the surface nothing much happens…no huge events that the mind dreams up. Well apart from breathing, that in itself is a wonder, we can look at nature, we can be silent, be ourselves, laugh, jump, run in the rain, paint, make cakes, write an amazing new piece of code or a book, we can design some amazing new gadget, or whatever that anyone chooses to do right now. Now as in the only moment we are actually alive.

Or we can slip back into our minds for another episode of “War of the Worlds”.