Integrity inside

Integrity is doing what you say when no one is looking.

So we are the only witness of our internal integrity.

If we say in our head ‘I’m going to do this’ and we don’t, then we are the only one who knows that we didn’t.

A lot of our suffering and lack of belief in ourselves comes from breaking our inner integrity.

Be honest

When we are honest in our relationships we stop the other person from having to wonder. When we withhold the truth and we conceal our true feelings and thoughts, the other person will sense something and because they do not know the truth, they will fill in the blanks. Our mind has to have the answer, the beginning, middle and end. When it does not, it fills in the blank and always in a bad way.

If we share our truth with others we free them from the suffering of not knowing and it enables us to truly connect in a very deep way that is not possible when we put up our shields to hide the truth from others.

Being honest with others stops us either building up and resenting others, which usually leads to an explosive outburst and hurt for all, or we say nothing and suffer because we did not speak our truth and we did not respect ourselves.

The only ingredients that we must not leave out ever from speaking our truth are kindness and empathy towards the recipient of our truth. If we leave them out we will only hurt and damage our relationships.