At peace

At Peace

Permanently there forever
The clouds will stay
The darkness will never lift
The gloom is everywhere
Everyone is the same

Wait wait wait wait
There is a break
There is a crack
There is a shard of light
Wait I’m waking

Not from my slumber
Not from a deep sleep
Not from the night
I am waking
From my mind

My breath brings light
My soul brings joy
My essence is now
The universe brings change
Everything is temporary

Clouds are in my mind
Doom is within my thoughts
Darkness always turns to light
The gloom is my imagination
I am in this moment…at peace

My soul

There are the pros and cons
There are the arguments for and against
There is one side and another
Facts, facts, facts,
Evidence, evidence, evidence…

I’m right you’re wrong
No, you’re wrong
I am good you are not
I know you don’t
Evaluation everywhere
This is what my mind does

My soul is at peace
My soul accepts what is
My soul is connected to yours
My soul is connected to all that is

I can see if I do not look
I can hear if I am silent
I have nothing to defend
My soul is love