Numb it

When we numb the bad in our head or life with drugs, alcohol, gambling, food…in fact, any addictive behaviour, we also numb out the good too. So everything starts to seem bad. We do not enjoy life.

Equally, whatever we are choosing to numb doesn’t go anywhere from temporarily blocking it. It get’s locked back in until the numbing wears off.

When we resist within whatever it is that is troubling us then that brings us pain, so we choose to lock it away and hope it doesn’t escape and resurface, we hope it gets lost in the recesses of our mind. It doesn’t, it waits and comes back even stronger.

It is better to always accept what is, to welcome the bad and to let it be there without resisting it. This way we do not need to suffer the pain of fighting it. Equally, if we just let it be without the fight, and do not energise it, then it will start to dissolve.

Always the fight and denial coupled with numbing it to make it go away for a bit leads to the suffering within, both mentally and eventually physically. In addition, our suffering boils over into the exterior and others suffer too.

The numbing also stops us from making the conscious choice within to let something go and to be free from the pain. It is just a patch. We choose how to react to everything within and in the exterior world.

Surrendering to what is, allowing a thought to be, allowing the bad to be, letting go frees us to be at peace.